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Kiderific Staff

The Kiderific staff consists of Miss Jessica, Miss Anna, several part-time assistant teachers, and one music teacher. All staff members meet the requirements of the Department of Health, Division of Day Care. The child-teacher ratio ranges from 4:1 to 7:1.

The teachers and the curriculum they present encourage the children to explore and enjoy learning. Learning activities allow them to create, experiment, and gain self-confidence.

Our qualified music teacher visits the school to give the children a closer look into the world of the arts. They enjoy the movement of dancing and the sound of different instruments, as well as the different tempos and techniques. They broaden their horizons by listening to professional musicians create live music. But the biggest thrill is having them create their own live music in our Kiderific marching band.

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Kid Kid 1621 Pilgrim Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461, (718) 518-7170