
Excited and scared

We are officially homeowners.


More photos than you could shake a stick at

We've posted the backlog of photos we've been storing on our camera. Enjoy!

While you're at it, let me know what you think of the new gallery format. I've gotten reports that it's a little confusing.


100 things I love about my wife and our relationship

  1. Her height
  2. Her beauty
  3. Her joi de vivre
  4. Her cookies
  5. Her good sense of humor
  6. The way we can laugh together at things we know are funny, even though other people may not think so
  7. Our history together
  8. Her persistence
  9. Her temper
  10. The way we complement each other to make a great team
  11. Her creativity
  12. She finds me sexy
  13. Her brilliance
  14. Her innovative meals
  15. Her good cooking
  16. Her ice cream experiments
  17. Her excitement for simple things
  18. Her ability to make friends for us
  19. Her long legs
  20. The way she loves our child
  21. Her laugh
  22. She finds me funny
  23. Her undying love for me
  24. Her undying love for Target
  25. The smell of her skin
  26. Her ability to absorb large amounts of information quickly
  27. Her quick reading skills
  28. The way she reads things for me and summarizes so we can decide if it's garbage or not
  29. She is one of the most observant people I've ever met
  30. Her sexy body
  31. Her energy
  32. Our future together, sitting on a front porch together when we're old
  33. Her ability to pick just the right gift
  34. Her sense of style
  35. The amazing way she cares for our child
  36. All the tedious things she does for our home
  37. The way she puts up with me
  38. The way she starts crying when she talks about the distance between her family and us
  39. The way she says that The Bronx is her favorite of all the places we've lived
  40. Her picture-perfect teeth
  41. Her good hygiene
  42. She knows the lyrics to some pretty obscure oldies
  43. The sound of her voice
  44. Her enthusiasm
  45. The way she knows about things months, sometimes years before they are ubiquitous
  46. Her multi-colored eyes
  47. The sound of my hand slapping her bare ass
  48. Her name
  49. Her imagination
  50. The way her clothes are so much tinier than mine, even though we're the same height
  51. Her ability to turn a boring story into a captivating one
  52. Her cynicism
  53. Our friendship
  54. Her safe driving record
  55. Her poor (although improving) spatial skills
  56. The way she loves my family
  57. Her love of people, in general
  58. Her guidance
  59. Her flowing locks
  60. Each and every one of her toes
  61. She lets me have sex with her every once in a while
  62. The way she knows more about cars than I do
  63. The amazing grace she exhibited while giving birth to our child
  64. Her family
  65. The way she knows the names of obscure clothing and food items
  66. Her impeccable memory
  67. The slight bump in her nose that she is paranoid about
  68. Her sentimentality
  69. Her love for all things tiny
  70. Her independence
  71. Her optimism
  72. Our mutual love for bad television
  73. Our mutual respect for each other
  74. Her seasonal love of ice cream
  75. Her patience, when it matters most
  76. Her impatience, when it is appropriate
  77. Her sense of self
  78. Her sense of self-worth
  79. The way her jaw drops when she falls asleep in the car
  80. The way she drools when she falls asleep anywhere
  81. The way she'll drive when I really don't feel like it
  82. The way she can create an anniversary card in less than five minutes
  83. Her insatiable appetite for belly buttons... oh wait, that's my insatiable appetite for belly buttons... Her ability to provide me with one sexy belly button
  84. Our little family
  85. Fudge-like brownies
  86. All those freckles
  87. The way we somehow always knew we would end up together, even when we weren't speaking to each other
  88. The way she has improved her timing abilities such that we are hardly ever late for anything anymore, even with a baby in tow
  89. Her good complexion
  90. Her love of those off-kilter movies like Hudson Hawk
  91. Her kindness
  92. She's most often not a girly-girl, but sometimes she can be
  93. She's her own show, folks. She's her own show.
  94. Her thoughtfulness
  95. Her tact
  96. The fact that we made a "No whining" rule when we started dating and we've pretty much stuck to it for all this time
  97. The way she can calm down our son when I've tried and failed
  98. The way we can communicate without speaking in full sentences or thoughts
  99. The way we can spend all of our time together and not get tired of each other
  100. And yes, I love her boobs


Hilarity ensues

Sick of silly foot stories and product identification guessing games?

I know... I know. You really want to hear stories about J. He's still doing well.

The latest thing he really likes to do is stand. He does this with assistance, of course. If he's lying flat on his back and you put your fingers in his hands, sometimes he'll try to pull himself up to the sitting position. Once sitting, with a little bit of prompting, he'll straighten his legs to stand. He's working on his balance.

When standing, he smiles and looks all around. It's like he's trying to figure out what everything in the room is from his new vantage point. If you move your hands to his waist, not only does he have to balance his head, but he has to work on keeping his whole torso upright. This is where we run into trouble/hilarity. If he spots his hands, he will try to put them in his mouth. More exactly, he will try to catch his hand with his mouth.

J's head moves forward, toward the hand, but as it does, the hand moves downward because he is bending at the waist and his arm is stiff. He bends over further to catch that wily hand, but it stays equally distant from his mouth until he is folded in half, his head inches from his feet.

I don't know how he does it, but he remains unbelievable cute the entire time. Boy do I love that kid.