
Update Time

1) I have not heard about the job yet, but I get the feeling that I should know one way or the other pretty soon.

2) Kate is getting big and, I have to say, she is one hot pregnant woman!

3) I am full already and I haven't even had any turkey.

4) During the time we were trying to decide if we would play enough video games to justify buying a new game system, we bought a bunch more games for Kate's Playstation. I guess I was pretty much burnt out after finishing Tomb Raider because I hadn't played anything for months. Kate busted out Grand Theft Auto the other day and it has been on my mind ever since. I obsess. What can I say?

5) I'm going to try to like the holiday season this year. Not that I don't usually like it, but I don't really get excited about putting up decorations when in a few weeks you just have to take them back down again. But anyway, I'm going to try and enjoy it this year.

Posted at 14:13:36 | TrackBack


We all have one

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Keep the dream alive!

Posted at 07:43:54 | TrackBack



Well, you know how it goes. You check your e-mail in the morning when you get to work. You have every intent to respond to those people you know and love, but decide to do it later. You remember that last night you had a really funny idea for a blog entry, but you can't quite remember what it was. You find some task to keep you busy for most of the morning. You finish a little early and futz around until lunchtime. After lunch, you play a little game of chess with your co-worker. After chess you think about writing to those people again, but you've spent a little too much time playing chess and decide to write when you get home. Then it's time to really get things accomplished. You need to make true all those promises you made at the morning meeting. So you scramble and try to finish. You run into a few too many roadblocks and stop. You find some other job on your desk that you're boss told you to put off until later because it isn't a priority. You work on that, since it seems infinitely more interesting right now. You make it to the end of the day, and now it's already dark outside. You go to the gym, because it seems like the right thing to do. You have delusions of fitness. You think you can teach your body to expect the physical exertion. You leave after the second set of crunches, even though you really meant to do three sets. You figure that it's more than what you would have done if you had gone straight home. You go straight home and sit on the couch for a few minutes, trying to find the resolution to take a shower. You finally make it there and now you're clean, but hungry. You eat. You relax, pay bills, watch television, call your mom, and think of a really good idea for a blog entry. Sometimes you make it to the computer to check your other e-mail messages, but don't actually respond to any of them. You'll have time to do that tomorrow.

Yep, I've got the daylight savings winter blues.

Posted at 16:51:42 | TrackBack


Election Blues

So yes, we watched "Rock the Vote" on CNN last night. And yes, we are rapidly growing out of that demographic (I just turned 28 today, in fact). And yes, I consider myself an undeclared democrat. And yes, I definitely think that George W. Bush has to go. And yet, I was kind of disappointed last night. I'm not sure any of those people is a viable candidate. I'm a little bit worried about next year's election. But, you guessed it; I'm not even registered to vote yet. Gotta remember to do that.

Posted at 17:02:45 | TrackBack