
So, I'm back from Puerto

So, I'm back from Puerto Rico, self-introspection, hurricane season, beautiful beachfront views, cute flight attendants, and running around like a headless chicken.

But I think we had some fun. We went to that Palace of Sin called Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, the sin in question being gluttony. We went to all my other favorite places, including the Italian place, of course. We even stopped by at Shannan's on a Wednesday night, no less, but Kate wasn't feeling so well (and I don't think she was quite as impressed by the lack of clothing and overabundance of cleavage as I was) so we left early, before the band even.

Then there was that great time where we got up early to go to Monkey Island with Las Tortuga Adventures and our tour guide never showed up. We made up for it by hanging out at El Conquistador to pass the time before our flight.

Now we're back at home, with that same kind of cramped feeling that we left with, but forgot about. I am so ready to move on to a place where we can buy a house with tons of room and spread out all our stuff all over the place. That would be really cool. Where that house will be, we don't know. When that will be, we also do not know. But a boy can dream, can't he?

Posted at 09:43:26