a hard know to think.

01 Jul 2003

now that's what i call marketing.

In 45 minutes of MTV viewing, I saw the ad for Now That's What I Call Music Volume 13, four times. I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that it ships with a complimentary Now That's What I Call A Beachball.

Last I checked, we were at Volume 8, so you can imagine how shocked I was that those Real World kids are still as annoying as ever. And suddenly, they speak a little French. Luckily they are still taking turns, "growing as a person," and, "thinking of this as a learning experience."

After fifteen minutes of The Osbournes, when I decided that I might like to get myself coiffed like Kelly, I remembered that there's as yet no vaccine for viral marketing and turned off the TV right quick.

25 Feb 2003

and speaking of sneakers.

Not living in or around NYC has induced a serious Perceived Lack of Shoes (PLOS, not to be confused with PLOOJ, from which I also, coincidentally, suffer) of late.

Looking for the PLOOJ link just led me all over the place. I think this must be referring to me... and my vulgarity, which I hold even nearer and dearer than my shoes, sorry to say. Incidentally, and as I fear others would attest, I'm not half as vulgar here as I am in person.

Two more mentions of PLOOJ.

What are you hoarding these days?

24 Feb 2003


Anyone know where Ev got these sneakers?

Evan is a man who appreciates my need for shoes. The sneakers in question are called the "Evidence," which I would probably buy, sight-unseen, if my name was Ev. Thanks Ev!

Unfortunately, they came from a place called Shoe Biz, in the Haight, in SF, where I haven't been in years and don't really anticipate being for a while. To all others: keep an eye out for these sneaks, or something similarly red and yellow, for me.

Yet another update:
Wheeeeee! The internet rules the school!

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now that's what i call marketing.
and speaking of sneakers.

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