a hard know to think.

29 Aug 2003

the truth is.

The truth is, I've spent the better part of the last nine and a half weeks doing what I do best -- avoiding puking at all costs.

The truth is, there have been lots of burps, and some phlegm, but for the most part I've been a heaving success.

The truth is, nobody tells you how much this hurts, and even the people who know, I mean, the people who have been here, will deny it.

The truth is, hormones ain't gonna do nothing but get you screwed and then screw you. There will also be occasional bouts of acne.

The truth is, we don't have the space, or the time, or the funding for this, but here we are and we planned it this way.

The truth is...

The truth is, we are overjoyed, which sounds like such a made-up word, until you realize that being joyful beyond reason, being so wired despite being so winded, being, just being and being statically charged and physically spent all at once... that being all that really doesn't have a better word.

The truth is, pretty soon our little family will be a little bigger.

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