a hard know to think.

30 Nov 2001

Et Voila!

Um, I may be missing something between steps 3 and 4... mine doesn't look right.

29 Nov 2001

This is so John Grisham

This is so John Grisham it's incredible. A Harvard Microbiologist, an expert in Human Immunology, travels to Memphis (of all places!) and turns up missing... his rental car left abandoned on a bridge with the key in the ignition. These are insane times.

Update: Harvard University faculty and officials have issued several statements on the missing professor.

28 Nov 2001

Why the big apple is

Why the big apple is called "The Big Apple," via Evhead. I was just wondering about this. Thank you, oracle Ev.

27 Nov 2001

personal to caroline

: thanks! hope to see you soon...

21 Nov 2001

best. headline. ever.

best. headline. ever.

20 Nov 2001


quick update, in increasing order of current importance (dramatic effect, you know).

1. novel is on hold. there's simply too much other stuff going on. (see below)
2. move is complete, essentially. i'm still surrounded by boxes, but i'm living with the scammer and so far, things are good.
3. marc asked me to marry him. i said yes. we are engaged. we are ecstatic. really, it's silly. we're just bubbly with joy. sickening those around us, i'm sure. two words: singing. telegram. oh, yes.

anyway, now you see. since the novel's on hold, i don't really have much excuse for not writing here more except that it seems i've redistributed that time somehow... mostly to staring at the ring. urgent matter, you know. anyway, be back soon, gotta go bling bling.

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Et Voila!
This is so John Grisham
Why the big apple is
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best. headline. ever.

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