a hard know to think.

15 Jul 2004

many, many things.

Being Mom has supplanted being Weblogger.


First, J. J is now three and a half months old, and has moved on to 9-12 month clothing. Seriously, he is like a toddler. He used to look small at least when Marc was holding him, but now he just makes Marc look like he is shrinking. On the plus side, he is very rarely mistaken for a girl.

Some notable milestones we've missed accounting here include: being able to keep a binky in his mouth for more than 30 seconds (just in time for us to start wondering if it is time to take the binky away); standing (with assistance); sitting (with startlingly little assistance); sucking fingers, hands, towels, blankets, pieces of his carseat, the carpet, and his stuffed animals including, tragically, Cookie Monster, who lost a chunk of fur yesterday and almost had me trying to remember infant CPR; and most notably and causing the most alarm here at Casa Colello, reaching for objects. It's still a highly concentrated effort, and he attempts to include his feet and simian toes more often than not, but he's batting the hell out of anything dangling near his face for more than a few seconds. This has included various parts of me, like my arms, hair, necklace, and nose.

Second, dwelling. We bought a house. It's the most beautiful and distinguished little structure ever built, and I can't wait to get my hands on it and rip out 35 years of carpeting disgrace and wallpaper sin.

That's pretty much it -- life goes baby baby baby BAby BABY BABY BABY baBY baby baby house house house HOUse HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE houSE house house baby... with occasional outbreaks of INTERNET! and ASHLEE SIMPSON! and CAROLYN'S GETTING MARRIED! and OIL CHANGE!.

So Internet, what's up with you?

Posted at 4:29 PM in category observantics.


huzzah for the update and congrats on the house! was so so so bummed to miss the wedding - you're gonna have to report back (i bet JC was a big hit).

can't wait for the housewarming party. heh heh.

Posted by: karen on 19 Jul 2004 at 1:48 AM

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