a hard know to think.

19 Apr 2004

so far, so good.

Guess who took a shower this morning -- me!

We are doing seriously well... we even had a little dancing session when we downloaded the last couple of tunes from The Area 52 Project. J might have just been trying to kick off his blanket, but as the mother of such a gifted child I assumed he was grooving and slapped on the wrist rattles so he could get his percussion career started.

Our only problem so far has been that when J is finished eating, I usually hand him to Marc who somehow manages to convince him that lunch is over. Without Marc here, there's no way to reset his expectations for more boob chow. So I put him on the floor. It's not the nicest way to end a meal -- "Done eating, kid? Good. Now lay on the floor!" -- but it seemed to do the trick with minimal crying. Hopefully this won't propagate into adulthood, with J on the floor at the end of a fancy dinner party, pacifier in one hand, cheesecake in the other.

Posted at 2:02 PM in category in the family way.

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