a hard know to think.

20 Apr 2001

things i've noticed making me

things i've noticed making me unusually happy lately:
alcon clerz 2 eyedrops.
a bite of toast... a gulp of coffee.
songs with lots of words.

last night i hit rose's end for a tony hightower - adam brodsky extravaganza. i've never seen the place so packed. they are both fantastic performers and supreme crowd-pleasers. they even took the whole audience out for grilled cheese after the show.

this show got me thinking about antifolk, and wondering what i was smoking in college with that scene going on pretty much all around me. (oh, wait... i know what i was smoking in college...) internet killed the video star is pretty much my vision of the future. and along those lines, i present my antifolk discovery process... first there was genrecide, and from genrecide came brenda kahn... and there i sat for years until presto! the internet sends me from bk to lach, to spin doctors via chris barron, to a rainy night in saratoga with a person i didn't much like, back to brenda kahn and then south to philly, to adam and butch and that scene, back to ny last night where i met this tony hightower, who's just helped finish up the last written issue of antifolk matters, an antifolk zine.

and one more thing, along the lines of video stars, is this incredibly terrible photo of christina aguilera in a terrible terrible outfit. that link is likely temporary so enjoy it while you can.

later. actually, hopefully sooner than last time.

Posted at 4:03 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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