a hard know to think.

06 Jun 2001

and speaking of snubs.

this has been a week of hardcore snubs. first there was the birthday party, and now a wedding, from which i will refrain from linking momentarily. what's going on? has my cynicism crossed the line into abrasiveness? has my deodorant stopped working? am i dying of an incurable disease that noone wants to tell me about? seriously. is it the blog? are people afraid i'm going to write mean things about them after i hang with them? dude, if i'm writing mean things, they're in my head already anyway, blog or no blog. deal with it.

bachelorette? me? uh, i guess...

speaking of weddings, on saturday i'll be attending my very first ever bachelorette party, for my awesome friend annisia (rhymes with i wanna piece o' ya), and i am so excited because really, how often does a girl like me get an opportunity like this? i mean, all my friends are boys! some are men. and as it turns out this week, a bunch of them don't even really seem to want to be around me all that much.

so anyway, i'm going to this shindig and i'm not really sure what to expect. i'm a little uncomfortable with the prospect of silly girl things (see notes on fancy hair, below) and i sure don't want to be taking dollars from boys so they can eat sewed-on gummi savers off of annisia's shirt. what? oh, i don't know either. it's from a bachelorette party story that i heard recently.

get your own.

i just got back from the medical design and manufacturing show at the javits center... so cool. the company i work for has really tapped the resources of that show in years past, and it shows! almost every aisle had at least one vendor with a part i've worked on in a lighted display case or out on a table for touching. the new recharging tray was there too, i was so proud!

last time i was there was three summers ago and things have really changed. used to be john was the one all the vendors recognized and wanted to talk to; now it is i. they have a great system where your nametag has a big barcode on it with all of your contact info embedded. if you want a vendor to add you to their mailing list, you ask them to swipe your badge. if you're really a coveted sales contact for them, they will ask you to surrendor your badge for swiping. i couldn't help but think of the show stef did in europe where he came back with some number of "prospects" -- i am now a prospect. i hope i'm a hot one.

slow day.

no real links today. no time to surf. stay tuned, eager readers.

Posted at 5:35 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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