a hard know to think.

18 Jul 2001

yuppie disaster.

don't read this if you want to maintain faith in my inner-cool.

So, there was this orange Kate Spade handbag on ebay that I noticed days ago. And I hate ebay. But I like Kate Spade bags... I know, so shoot me, I'm a damned yuppie, all right? Seriously, I like boxy bags that are open on top. Ask anyone who has seen my cow bag; it's true. And orange is my favorite color so I figured it would be okay to bid just this once, but no more than I would pay for a bag I saw in the store that I really really liked. Not to mention that it is in all likelihood a knockoff. I'm not going to say how much I would spend because as a non-girly girl, it's a little embarrassing for me to admit. So I bid at the last minute, and I had it! This is why I hate ebay, because of this feeling of *winning* that you get when you place what turns out to be the highest bid. But some catty bitch (I assume, because I can) was watching, and we had a little last-4-minutes bidding war, and she outbid me. Damn. So no orange bag for me. Well, at least I made her pay more. Oh, wait, that's why I hate ebay. Shoot. I know I will lose some respect for this post. I'm okay with that.

Posted at 4:35 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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