a hard know to think.

31 Jul 2001


I'd like to dig in really deep here.

What I want to know is, what the hell is up with all the damned colons? Does ::iscatter:: really look better than just plain old iscatter? Or should I add some periods, too? ..::iscatter::..? Is that better?

Someone, please, educate my novice ass on this. When is the use of multiple colons appropriate? Is this some html-insider trick? Will it bring me more search engine hits? Does it make my text more pleasing to the eye? Will it help our children score better on the analogy section of the Verbal SAT?

Or, as I suspect, does it just substitute for lack of a decent free image server? Making graphics where there are none? Is it meant to (dare I even suggest what is sure to be interpreted as insult?) enhance content? Perhaps your readers will be blinded by all those dots, and forget to think about what you've scrawled for them?

Please, let's all try to think about grammar just a little bit here, and not just punctuate with wild abandon where we think it will look nice.


Posted at 1:57 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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