a hard know to think.

02 Oct 2001

on love.

(with apology to de Botton)

1. You are my essence. You are the deep meaning in my casually tossed-off comment. You are the bits of cooked-down salted-up meat at the bottom of my frying pan.

2. We are cojoined at hip, lip and zip, insofar as where you go I shall be, sometimes with nothing but my love to offer.

3. The set of my love for you contains the following subsets:
a. occasion
b. fascination
c. revelation
d. fornication
e. contemplation
f. education

4. You are my ally; you are my enemy. You are my distraction and my companion. My face has known no wrinkles like the smile that stretches it in your presence. My face has known no flood like the tears that rain down upon it in your absence. My face has known no wind like the gales that strike it as I walk away. Your eyes are my valleys, your nose my mountain, your lips my crevasse, your ears my caverns, your hair my field, your neck my equator. I wait for you to walk upon my landscape as I have yours, as you speak, as you rest, as you drive and groom and wait.

Posted at 11:56 AM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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