So, I found an apartment, and a roommate. Things were looking up. It was the perfect situation. He said he had no furniture. He said he'd pay the full rent until I could move in. He even knew some people I went to high school with, making him even semi-legitimate from a SWF-standpoint. And then he moved in, with his KING-SIZE bed, and realized he needed the big room. Er, okay. Except the big room comes with the big closet and the bathroom-all-to-yourself... the two features that made having a roommate again a not-altogether-revolting prospect. I am a BIG SPOILED BRAT and I wanted the big room for all my stuff. You know, STUFF. Ugh. So, back to the drawing board. Except now the drawing board is a little blanker than last time. And I'm running out of time.
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