a hard know to think.

19 Oct 2001

lost in Boston.

...is what I plan to be tomorrow morning. With nothing but endless traffic circles and baked beans as my guide, I'm off to the city that occasionally sleeps for the Head of the Charles. Boston has always seemed like the wrong city, to me. A city of perpetual yuppidom; crawling with Snaaby Banana Republicans and without even the "almost New York" credibility of Philadelphia. Unlike last year, when I explored mainly on my own, this year I'll be accompanied by Marc and his brother, and we'll be staying with Annisia and James, who are so busy these days that we're not likely to actually see them. But anyway. Promises to be an exciting weekend. Last time Marc and I were near Boston we almost had to move there -- we were so lost that we couldn't figure out which way we meant to go -- and that was actually before we even made it into town.

Posted at 1:50 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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