a hard know to think.

30 Oct 2001

so you're writing a novel.

Actually, you're probably just getting ready to write it. You've got good intentions and a plot and a writing buddy. You've even roped your Dad into this charade. In the meantime, you're packing. You're clawing your way out from under a giant laundry pile. You have a few bags of (clean) clothes for Goodwill. Movers have been in and out, providing quotes. You've got a roommate all lined up.

Then things start to get weird. You've got a product to release. Sure, it's technically a peripheral, but still, you've got a day until the end of the month. And you're beginning to worry. You're planning to work late tonight. Like, really late.

Also, your roommate flakes out on you. Again. Not only has he now secured the larger room, but he's thinking that you'll just pay equal halves of the rent. Okay... and also, he'd like it if you could pay half of the "recreation fee." Uh, okay.

Wait, no... not okay. You call him back. This isn't what you discussed. This isn't fair. This isn't right.

Okay. Just a little hiccup. The second little hiccup in as many gassy lunches. Your roommate agrees, but you stop to consider the situation. You know of a coworker looking for a roommate. In a cheaper apartment. And all you'd have to do it be homeless for 3 weeks and put your belongings in storage instead of an apartment.

You panic.

You call your father.

You call your boyfriend.

You call your writing buddy.

You get in the car and drive two hours to pick up some product from the testing house. You listen to the Powerpuff Girls techno soundtrack. You stop at a Starbucks with a drive through counter. (Oh yes, you are a yuppie.) You never knew that "venti" also means "with two shots of espresso." You consider this fact, and wonder how it is that you were never informed before that "double" therefore means "with four shots of espresso," or, in some languages, "with a shot of adrenaline straight to the nervous system."

You contemplate this, and you consider moving to Singapore.

Sounds crazy? Feh. Sounds like today.

gotta go

Posted at 4:08 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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