a hard know to think.

22 Jan 2002

erm, yeah. that's embarrassing.

It's hard to archive properly. It really is. Blogger eats my archives for breakfast some days, and then it takes me weeks to notice (I'm not in the habit of rereading old weblog entries -- I may be a narcissist, but I'm not into self-torture, and even I know that I tend to prattle on sometimes. Like now, for example. Here's a sample of writing I'd hate to find in my archives. Righto.).

Anyway, if you noticed that they were mostly gone, they're back now. I didn't really disappear from June until January. But that reminds me, I'm approaching a year of this, almost. It's been fun. Well, I've had fun. Remember that time I lost all my archives from June through January? That was a blast. Point being, are you reading? Seriously, I'm curious. Let me know if you are. Because I'm going to keep doing this either way, but I'm wondering about you, my audience. What do you think? Should I lose the splash of hot orange? Ease up on the conversational tone in my writing? What do you think?

Posted at 9:18 AM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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